Dragonball Z saga & episodes list


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Saiyan Saga Episodes 1-25
Namek Saga
Episodes 26-53
Ginyu Saga
Episodes 54-60
Frieza Saga
Episodes 61-92
Garlic Jr. Saga
Episodes 93-102
Trunks Saga
Episodes 103-110
Android Saga
Episodes 111-124
Imperfect Cell Saga
Episodes 125-137
Perfect Cell Saga
Episodes 138-150
Cell Games Saga
Episodes 151-179
Great Saiyaman Saga
Episodes 180-194
World Tournament Saga
Episodes 195-204
Babidi Saga
Episodes 205-216
Majin Buu Saga
Episodes 217-238
Fusion Saga
Episodes 239-260
Kid Buu Saga
Episodes 261-276

Saiyan Saga

1.The Arrival of Radditz
2.The Worlds Strongest Team
3.Gohan's Hidden Powers
4.Goku's Unusual Journey
5.Gohan's Metamorphosis
6.Gohan makes a friend
7.Trouble on Arlia
8.Home For Infinate Losers
9.Princess Snake's Hospitality
10.Escape from Piccolo
11.Showdown in the Past
12.End of Snake Way
13.A Fight Against Gravity...Catch Bubbles!
14.Legend of the Saiyans
15.Black day for Planet Earth
16.The Battle Begins...Goku Where Are You?
17.The Saibamen Strike
18.Nappa...The Invincible?
19.Tien goes all out!
20.Time's Up
21.Return of Goku
22.Goku Strikes back
23.Goku v.s. Vegeta...A saiyan Duel
24.Vegeta...Saiyan Style!
25.Stop Vegeta Now!!

Namek Saga

26.Battle's End
27.A New Goal...Namek!
28.A Journey to Namek
29.Friends or Foes?!
30.Hunt for a Dragonball
31.Who's Who?
32.Touch Down on Namek
33.Face off on Namek
34.The Ruthless Frieza
35.The Nameks Versus Frieza
36.Escape from Dodoria
37.Secrets Revealed
38.A collision course
39.Stay away from Frieza
40.Zarbon Transformed
41.The Eldest Namek
42.Get Vegeta!
43.Vegeta Revived
44.A heavy burden
45.Immortality Denied
46.Big Trouble for Bulma
47.Scramble for the Dragonballs
48.Arrival of the Ginyu Force
49.Elite Fighters of the Universe... The Ginyu Force
50.Time Tricks and Body Binds
51.No refuge from Reccome
52.Enter Goku
53.Goku...Super Saiyan?

Ginyu Saga

54.Ginyu assult
55.Incredible Force
56.Frieza approaches
57.Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku
58.Calling the Eternal Dragon
59.Gohan defeat your dad!!
60.Captain Ginyu...the frog

Frieza Saga

61.Password is Porunga
62.Piccolo's Return
63.The fusion
64.Fighting Power: One Million??
65.Piccolo the Super Namek
66.Deja Vu
67.Frieza's second transformation
68.Another transformation
69.Dende's Demise
70.The Renewed Goku
71.The end of Vegeta
72.The Ultimate Battle
73.Clash of teh Super Powers
74.Frieza's Boast
75.Bold and Fearless
76.Embodiment of Fire
77.Trump Card
78.Keep the Chances Alive
79.Power of the Spirit
80.Transformed at Last
81.Explosion of Anger
82.Namek's Destruction
83.A final Attack
84.Approaching Destruction
85.Gohan's Return
86.The last wish
87.Duel on a Vanishing planet
88.Pathos of Frieza
89.Frieza's defeated!!
90.Mighty blast of rage
91.Namek's explosion Goku's end?
92.Goku's Alive!!

Garlic Jr. Saga

93.The heaven's tremble
94.Black fog of terror
95.Battle Kami's lookout
96.Fight with Piccolo
97.Call for Restoration
98.Suicidal Course
99.Extreme Measures
100.The World Awakens
101.Brief chance for victory
102.Krillin's proposal

Trunks Saga

103.Frieza's counter attack
104.The Mysterious Youth
105.Another Super Saiyan?
106.Welcome back Goku
107.Mystery revealed
108.Goku's special technique
109.Z Warriors prepare
110.Goku's ordeal

Android Saga

111.The Androids appear
112.A handy trick
113.Double trouble for Goku
114.Upgrade to Super Saiyan
115.The secret of Dr. Gero
116.More Androids?!
117.Follow Dr. Gero
118.Nightmare comes true
119.Goku's assassin
120.Deadly beauty
121.No match for the androids
122.The Last ditch effort
123.Closing in
124.Unwelcome discovery

Imperfect Cell Saga

125.Seized with fear
126.The Reunion
127.Borrowed Powers
128.His name is Cell
129.Piccolo's Folly
130.Labratory Basement
131.Our hero awakens
132.Time Chamber
133.The monster is coming
134.He's here
135.Up to Piccolo
136.Silent Warrior
137.Say Goodbye 17

Perfect Cell Saga

139.Saiyan's Emerge
140.Super Vegeta
141.Bow the Prince
142.Hour of temptation
143.Krillin's Decision
144.The last Defense
145.Cell is complete
146.Vegeta must pay
147.Trunks Ascends
148.Saving Throw
149.Ghosts From tomorrow
150.The Cell Games

Cell Games Saga

151.What is the tournament?
152.Domesday Broadcast
153.Meet me in the Ring
154.No worrires here
155.A girl named Lime
156.Memories of Gohan
157.A new Guardian
158.Dende's dragon
159.The puzzle of General Tao
160.The Games Begin
161.Losers Fight first
162.Goku v.s Cell
163.Cell's bag of tricks
164.No more rules
165.The fight is over
166.Faith in a boy
167.Gohan's Plea
168.Android Explosion
169.Cell Jr's Attack!
171.The Unstoppable Gohan
172.Cell's break down
173.A Hero's farewell
174.Cell Returns
175.The horror won't end
176.Save the world
177.Goku's decision
178.One more wish
179.Free the future

Great Saiyaman Saga

180.Warriors of the Dead
181.Other World Tournament
182.Water Fight
183.Final Round
184.Goku vs. Pikkon
185.Gohan Goes to high school
186.I am Saiyaman
187.Gohan's first date
188.Rescue Videl
190.I'll fight too!
191.The newest Super saiyan
192.Take flight, Videl!
193.Gather for the Tournament
194.Camera Shy

World Tournament Saga

195.The World Tournament
196.Trunks vs. Goten
197.Best of the Boys
198.Big Trouble, Little Trunks
199.Who will fight Who?
200.Forefit of Piccolo
201.A dark and secret power
202.Videl is crushed
203.Identities Revealed
204.Energy drain

Babadi Saga

205.The Wizard's curse
206.King of the Demons
207.Vegeta Attacks
208.Next Up, Goku
209.Battle Supreme
210.Eighteen Unmasks
211.Pay to win
212.Heart of a Villain
213.The Dark Prince Returns
214.Vegeta's Pride
215.The long awaited fight
216.Majic ball of Buu

Majin Buu Saga

217.Buu is hatched
218.The losses begin
219.The terror of Majin Buu
220.Meal time
221.The warriors decision
222.Final Atonement
223.Evil lives On
224.Find the Dragonballs
226.Global Announcement
227.Learn to Fuse!
228.The Z Sword

229.Race to Capsule corp.

230.Super Saiyan 3?!

231.Buu's Mutiny

232.The Fusion Dance

233.Goku's Time Is Up

234.Return to Other World

235.Out From the Broken Sword

236.Gotenks is Born

237.Unlikely Friendship

238.I Kill No More

Fusion Saga

239.The Evil of Men - The snipers blow up Buus house. Mr. Satan beats up the snipers. Buu heals the puppy and rebuilds his house. Everything is good until the sniper returns and shoots Mr. Satan. Buu heals Mr. Satan, then Buus anger swells up and spawns a second, evil Buu.

240.Buu Against Buu - The evil Buu fights Buu, and the evil Buu turns Buu into chocolate and eats him. This transforms evil Buu into a new, more powerful Buu that can now sense auras. He heads towards Kamis Lookout. Trunks, Goten, and Gohan continue to prepare.

241.Empty Planet - At Kamis lookout, Buu releases a flood of fire that kills nearly all the people left on Earth. Buu demands to fight Trunks and Goten, but Videl convinces him to wait one hour. Goten and Trunks go to spend that time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Gohans sleeping powers are starting to be released by the old Kai.

242.Time Struggle - Buu turns ChiChi into an egg. Goten and Trunks train in the Time Chamber until Piccolo and Buu enter the room. Gotenks forms, and the fight against Buu begins.

243.Super Moves of Gotenks - Gotenks toys with Buu, making up a bunch of goofily-named attacks. Then Gotenks goes Super Saiyan and the fight moves forward. For his last move, Gotenks decides to use his "Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack".

244.Trapped In Forever - Gotenks launches his attack, creating a troupe of exploding ghosts that blow Buu to pieces. But Buu regenerates. In a rash decision, Piccolo destroys the door to the Time Chamber, trapping himself, Gotenks, and Buu inside.

245.Feeding Frenzy - Buu creates a breach in the Time Chamber, escapes to the Lookout and devours everyone. Piccolo and Gotenks are trapped in the Chamber until Gotenks turns into a Super Saiyan 3 and makes a hole. Returning to the Lookout, Gotenks charges Majin Buu.

246.Gotenks Is Awesome! - As a Super Saiyan 3, Gotenks starts a strong assault against Buu. During the fight Buu ruins Kamis Lookout. Gotenks seems to have the advantage, and hes having fun. Gohan continues his passive training with Old Kai.

247.Unlucky Break - Gotenks continues to fight Buu, enjoying himself. But before his final attack his fusion wears off, separating him into Trunks and Goten. Old Kai finishes bringing out Gohans "latent capacities", and Gohan heads to Earth with a new outfit like Gokus.

248.A Whole New Gohan - Gohan starts fighting Buu, revealing his unbelievable new powers. Goten and Trunks try to immediately refuse to help, but not enough time has passed. Goku and the Kais reflect on what has happened.

249Search for Survivors - Gohan fights Majin Buu and clearly has the advantage. Then Buu destroys himself and, after regenerating, goes into hiding. Gohan finds Mr. Satan and then Dende. Dende tells how Mr. Popo threw him to the earth to save him. Buu appears, but rather than fight Gohan, he challenges Gotenks.

250.Majin Buu Transforms - Majin Buu shoots out slime that covers Piccolo and Gotenks, and then absorbs them into his body. With the added power of Gotenks and the wisdom of Piccolo in his body, he becomes a transformed Buu. Gohan powers up to fight him, hoping to hold him off for 30 minutes until Gotenks defuses and the transformed Buu reverts.

251.The Old Kai's Weapon - Gohan struggles against Buu. Old Kai decides to give his life to Goku so Goku can return to fight Buu. Then Old Kai gives Goku two earrings that will allow Goku and Gohan to instantly fuse. Supreme Kai and Kibito fuse in this way. Elsewhere, Baba and King Yemma are resurrecting Vegeta.

252.Ready to Fuse? - Tien arrives and is quickly beaten. Goku returns and splits Buu in two. Goku tries to use the earrings to permanently fuse with Gohan, but Gohan drops the earring, and while theyre looking for it Gotenks defuses, making Buu revert. Goku opts not to fuse with Gohan. Then Buu absorbs Gohan, becoming even stronger. Goku looks for someone to fuse with.

253.Union of Rivals - Vegeta and Goku both struggle against Buu and dont have a chance. Goku tries to persuade Vegeta to permanently fuse with him via the earrings. Finally, after learning that Buu ate Bulma, Vegeta agrees and Vegetto is formed.

254.Meet Vegetto - Vegetto fights Buu with great power. After a long round, Vegetto powers up to Super Saiyan. Meanwhile, Bulma, ChiChi, Videl and Debura search the Other World for Gohan.

255.Rip in the Universe - Vegetto continues to fight Super Buu evenly. Buu gets angry and nearly rips a whole in the universe. Yamcha and Krillin are allowed to keep their bodies in the Other World and train on Supreme Kais planet. Yamcha fights with Olibu.

256.Vegetto... Downsized - Following an intense battle, Super Buu transforms Vegetto into a piece of coffee candy and prepares to eat him. Dabura, ChiChi, Bulma and Videl continue searching for Gohan in the Other World. Videl senses Gohan far away. The others decide it's because she loves him.

257.The Incredible Fighting Candy - Vegetto starts fighting Super Buu as a piece of candy, ramming him like a cannonball. The spell wears off and Vegetto regains his form. He beats up Buu so bad that Buu's regeneration powers start to fail. Vegetto counts to ten before he's going to kill Buu. Buu takes the opportunity and absorbs Vegetto.

258.The Innards of Buu - Vegetto uses a barrier to survive, revealing he'd intentionally been swallowed to rescue the others. Somehow being inside Buu causes Vegetto to defuse. Vegeta crushes his earring to prevent future fusion. He and Goku explore Buu's stomach and are attacked by a giant worm. Dende and Mr. Satan hide from Buu, who is ransacking the earth.

259.Mind Trap - Buu gets indigestion and uses the toilet. Goku and Vegeta travel to Buu's brain and battle Buu's memories of Gotenks, Piccolo, and Gohan. Then Buu's thoughts turn to food and sweets appear in the fighters' places. Goku and Vegeta find their friends trapped in cocoons.

260.Visions of Deadly - Vegeta and Goku free Gohan, Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks, causing Super Buu to revert to the weaker Buu. Buu figures out what's going on and sends a vision of himself to fight Vegeta and Gohan in his own brain. This vision seems to be invincible.

Kid Buu Saga

261.Evil Kid Buu! - When Super Buus body begins to mutate once again, Goku and Vegeta have to get out fast! But what awaits them if they manage to escape? What is the insidious Buu turning into now?

262.End of Earth - After the chords of attachment to the roly-poly Buu are severed by Vegeta, Majin Buu is expected to mutate into a much weaker form. But instead he gets even stronger! This baffles everyone but Kibito Kai, who discloses Majin Buu's bizarre history! And who is the first victim of this new, demonic Buu? Mother Earth herself!

263.True Saiyans Fight Alone - With the Earth erased from existence, Majin Buu goes on a manhunt for Goku and Vegeta that leaves a string of destroyed worlds in its wake. But when Buu's search leads him to the Great Kai Planet, Goku and Vegeta draw the line! The Super Saiyans lure Buu away by raising their power levels and disclosing their where abouts, thus setting the stage for the Battle of All Battles!

264.Battle for the Universe Begins - With Majin Buu on the scene and ready to fight, Kibito Kai is stunned to see Goku and Vegeta playing a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors! Rather than use the Fusion Technique to join their powers, the duo has decided to fight Buu one at a time. First up Goku, the lucky winner or has his luck just run out?

265.Vegetas Respect - When Super Saiyan 3 Goku collapses from exhaustion, Vegeta has to step in and fight. But in no time, Vegeta himself is felled! And just as Majin Buu is about to deliver the death blow, a rejuvenated Goku rejoins the fight and saves him. Astounded by his greatness, the Saiyan Prince pays a moving tribute to his long-time rival!

266.Minute of Desperation - As his fight against the inexhaustible Buu continues, Goku's powers begin to diminish. The Super Saiyan 3 wants to end the battle before it's too late, but he needs time to gather enough energy to finish the job. Enter Vegeta, who begins a furious battle with Buu to buy Goku the needed time. Totally outclassed, can the Saiyan Prince manage to stay alive?

267.Old Buu Emerges - Just as Vegeta is about to breathe his last breath in his heroic but failing effort against Majin Buu, The Champ steps in to take up the challenge! It seems that the would-be-hero has signed his death warrant, but when Buu tries to attack him he becomes crippled with agony! The wicked Buu soon discovers the source of his pain, and it turns out to be a big, pink surprise!

268.Earth Reborn - As the good Majin Buu wages an all out war against his evil counterpart, Vegeta has Dende summon the Dragon on the new Planet Namek. Through the miraculous power of the Dragon Balls, the Earth and its inhabitants are restored to life! But with the good Buu's power rapidly decreasing, will Vegeta have enough time to carry out the final phase of his plan?

269.Call to Action - With time running out, Goku desperately awaits the arrival of the Earthlings collective energy to vitalize the Spirit Bomb. But the energy isnt coming! Why have the people of the Earth turned a deaf ear to Vegeta plea for help at this most critical hour?

270.People of Earth Unite - When the people of Earth ignore even Goku cry for help, it looks like defeat is imminent. But when the World Champion steps in and asks, the skeptical humans have a change of heart. Will their outpouring of energy arrive in time? Goku can only wait and watch in horror as Vegeta, his last defense, crumbles under the might of Majin Buu!

271.Spirit Bomb Triumphant - When the good Buu and Hercule free Vegeta from Majin Buu grasp, Goku launches the Spirit Bomb! But the weary Saiyan doesnt have enough power to deliver the blast, and Buu sends it right back at him! Will Goku be destroyed by his own attack or can a last second wish to the Dragon save the day?

272.Celebrations with Majin Buu - When Goku and his companions return to Earth after defeating Majin Buu, they are welcomed with open arms. But nobody is happy to see the good Buu! Can the Champs pink pal manage to fit into society? Or is he destined to become an outcast?

273.He Always Late - Chi Chi, Gohan, and Goten prepare to go to Bulma house for a barbeque, but Goku is nowhere to be found. As Chi Chi anger rises, Goku is having troubles of his own. While waiting to witness the hatching of four dragon eggs, troubles arise casting him into the role of the egg protector. Goku must do his best to guard the fragile eggs not knowing that he will soon face another danger an angry Chi Chi!

274.Granddaughter Pan - Ten years have passed since the evil Majin Buu was destroyed, and the Earth is enjoying a time of peace! Gohan has become a scholar and is happily married to Videl. Trunks and Goten have become strong, young teenagers! Vegeta and Bulma have a new daughter named Bulla! And, oh yes!, Goku's a grandfather!

275.Buu Reincarnation - Goku has Mr. Buu magically rig the drawings so Goku can fight Uub in the first round of the World Martial Arts Tournament. Uub, a ten year-old human boy, is the reborn, purely good version of Kid Buu! But first Pan must face off against Wild Tiger in her first match. How will the energetic young Pan fare against her first opponent? And what does Goku have up his sleeve?

276.Goku Next Journey - Uub, growing stronger as the battle rages, is able to learn to fight during his match with Goku, soon becoming the Saiyan equal! Neither warrior gives an inch in this fast paced, destructive battle. But before the match is decided, Goku makes a startling offer to Uub. With his plan revealed, Goku and Uub depart the arena leaving a stunned crowd in their wake.

Japanese DBZ Episode List

1. A Sheltered Boy: My Name is Gohan.
2. History's Greatest Warrior is Goku's Older Brother...
3. This is it! The World's Strongest Pair.
4. Piccolo's Secret Ace! Gohan the Crybaby.
5. The Death of Goku! Classic
6. The King is shocked. Fighting in his Netherworld?
7. Gohan's Harsh Survival Training with Dinosaurs.
8. A Full Moon Transformation: The Secret of Gohan's Power.
9. Sorry Mr. Robot. The Tears that Disappeared in the Desert.
10. Don't Cry! Gohan's First Battle.
11. The Saiyan, Greatest Warriors in the Universe, Awake.
12. Napping on the Path of the Snake ... Goku Falls Off!
13. Keep your Hands Off! Lord Enma's Secret Fruit.
14. Sweet Seduction ... The Snake Princess' Hospitality.
15. Escape from Piccolo! Gohan and the Storm.
16. Run Gohan! Back to Mt. Paozu Where Chichi Waits.
17. The Road to Victory is a Long One.
18. The End of the Path of the Snake.
19. Catch Bubbles! The Struggle With Gravity!!!
20. The Legend of the Saiyan ... Goku's Roots.
21. Appear Shenlon! The Saiyans Are About to Arrive
22. That's Ridiculous! Saibai Men Sprout from the Ground.
23. Yamcha Dies! The Frightening Saibai Men.
24. Good-bye Tien...Chauzu's Sacrifice.
25. Tien Shin Han's Final Scream! His Last Energy Beam.
26. Waiting Patiently For 3 Hours. The Candy Cloud Flies.
27. Leave It To Me. Gohan's Explosion of Anger.
28. The Savagery Of The Saiyan! God And Piccolo Die.
29. Wow, Daddy! Lord Kaio's Killer Technique.
30. A Battle Beyond Imagination: Goku vs. Vegeta.
31. Now Goku! The Last Great Effort. Kame-Hame-Ha X 3.
32. Battle Power Tenfold! Vegeta's Great Transformation
33. Don't Die Daddy! Gohan's Inner Strength.
34. Hit Him, Kuririn! The Energy Ball of Everyone's Prayers
35. Super Saiyan, SonGohan, Performs a Miracle!
36. Leap Into Space! The Planet of Hope is Piccolo's Home.
37. The Mysterious Yunzabit...Find God's Spaceship.
38. Take off for Nameck! The Terror that Awaits
39. Friend or Foe! Children of the Mysterious Giant Spaceship
40. Really? That's the Planet of Hope, Namek?
41. The Kind Aliens...A Dragon Ball Suddenly Appears.
42. Planet Freezer #79, Vegeta Recovers.
43. All the Dragon Balls are Found. Mr. Piccolo Can Be Resurrected.
44. A New Enemy in the Universe - Evil Lord Freezer.
45. The Ambitious Vegeta...I'm the Greatest Warrior!
46. Goku's Power is Restored! Six Days to the Milkyway.
47. A Surprise Attack! The Target is the Scouter.
48. Gohan is in Danger! The Death Warrior, Dodoria.
49. The Explosive Dodoria and the Fearsome Shock of Vegeta!
50. The Burning Escape - A Desperate Kamehameha.
51. 100 Times Stronger! The Warriors Gather at Lord Kaio's.
52. Listen Up Goku! Hands Off Freezer!
53. Goosebump Time! Zabon Transforms into a Demon.
54. Protect the Planet of Hope! Kuririn Powers Up!
55. Back From the Brink of Death. The Miracle Man, Vegeta.
56. Huge Battle Power! Freezer's Plot Crumbles.
57. Goku Regains His Strength in 100G's.
58. Freezer's Secret Weapon! The Demonic Gnyu Corps.
59. Bloomer's in Danger! Freezer Gets the Dragon Balls!!!
60. Frontal Collision! Kamehameha and the Kaio Fighting Style.
61. The Ultimate Battle Nears! The Gnyu Special Corps Arrive.
62. Goku Approaches Rapidly! Break through Freezer's Defense.
63. Awesome Magic or Trick? Mr. Gould is Mad Now!
64. Now Rikoom! He's Bad! He's Strong! He's Unbelievable!
65. Don't Die, Gohan! Goku Finally Arrives.
66. SonGoku, the Legendary Super Saiya-jin...
67. The Red and Blue Lightening Ball...Jees and Baata Attack!
68. Finally...the Clash. Commander Gnyu Appears.
69. Goku's Full Power is Awesome.
70. The Hand of Evil Closes in on the Senior Elder!
71. What a Surprise! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku!
72. Appear Super Shenlon and Grant my Wish!
73. He's not me. Attack your Father, Gohan!
74. Ginyu turned into a Frog! Ouch.
75. One Who Has All Seven Balls...Say the Right Words.
76. Super Shenlon Brings God and Piccolo Back to Life.
77. The Birth of an Ultimate Warrior? Nail and Piccolo Merge.
78. Battle Power 1 Million -- Freezer Transforms.
79. Is This the End? Terrifying Power Attacks Gohan.
80. A Sudden Turn of Events. The Warrior Piccolo Arrives.
81. Piccolo's Confidence: I will Defeat Freezer!
82. We Need You, Goku! Freezer Transforms Again!
83. Be Terrified! Freezer Transforms a 3rd time!
84. Dende Dies . . . Bring out the Ultimate Power!
85. Finally...! Songoku Recovers!
86. Bitter Regret! The Proud Vegeta Dies.
87. The Battle Begins! I'll Defeat You Myself.
88. The Second Super Power of the Clash!
89. Freezer Declares, "I'll Beat You Without Using My Hands".
90. He's Not Bragging...Songoku is Wonderful!
91. Life or Death Decision: Kaio Style 20X Power!
92. A Mega Energy Ball...His Last Ace!
93. Piccolo Stakes His Life To Attack and Aid!
94. Who Survives the Incredible Power of the Energy Ball?
95. Songoku Becomes the Legendary Super Saiyan!
96. His Rage Explodes! Avenge Everyone Goku!
97. An Attack of Evil ... Will Nameck be Destroyed?
98. I'll be the Winner! The Final Attack.
99. Shenlon! Fly Through Space! Namck's Destruction Nears!
100. I Am Songoku's Son! Gohan Returns to the Battle.
101. His Last Wish...I Will Stay On This Planet.
102. Battle to the End on a Dying Planet.
103. Pitiful Freezer Cannot Stop Shaking.
104. Goku Declares Victory...Freezer Self-Destructs.
105. The Defeat of Freeza...
106. Goku Vanishes in the Universe.
107. Warriors Z come Back to Life.
108. Garlic Junior Becomes God.
109. The Black Mist of Horror.
110. Heaven Turn's into a Battlefield.
111. Face to Face Encounter with Piccolo...
112. The War for Super Magic Water.
113. The Death-or-Alive Journey of God.
114. The Mega Vigorous Battle.
115. The World Awakes from the Nightmare
116. The last chance, Strike Makyo planet...
117. The 101st Proposal of Kuririn...
118. The Revenge of Freeza and his father...
119. I'll stop Freeza, A Mysterious Boy Awaiting Goku...
120. Freeza Decisively Defeated! Another Super Saiyan!
121. Hiya! It's Been awhile! The Return of Son Goku.
122. My Father is Vegita. The Mysterious Youth's Confession...
123. Goku's new Special Attack!? Look at my instantaneous Movement!
124. I'll Surpass you Goku! ! The Warrior Race Saiya Jin's King.
125. A Driver's License? ? ? Goku's New Ordeal...
126. Killers Without a Trace, Who are the Artificial Humans?
127. Cold blooded #20's Path of Evil, Goku's Transformation of anger...
128. Goku's Double Shock!! Caught between Disease and the Enemy.
129. Vegita's Strength, The Awakened Blood of a Super Saiya jin.
130. The Invincible laugh of #20, DR. Gero's Secret.
131. The Present is more Frightening than the Future! The Questions of Trunks.
132. Pursuit Dr. Gero! Let's find the Mysterious Laboratory.
133. And the Fear Became Reality...Number 17 and Number 18 Awaken!
134. Is it too late!? The final weapon to kill Goku.
135. Super power with a lovely face!? No blind spot for number 18.
136. The Untouchable Man-Made Humans .. Is it the end of the Z fighters!?
137. Piccolo's decision! His Last Resort.
138. The walking weapon of destruction! The Artificial Humans moving closer to Goku.
139. An Evil Premonition! The Mystery That Bulma Brought Up.
140. Discovery of the Evil Egg! Trunks In Fear.
141. Against An Enemy Never Faced Before...The Super Namek-sei-jin is born!
142. Kamehameha!? The monster with Goku's ki.
143. The creature of hatred and destruction! It is the cyborg Cell.
144. Piccolo's regretful mistake! Cell escaped to the city!
145. The secret of Cell's birth! What's in the basement of the lab!?
146. Goku awakens for the battle! Go beyond the Super Saiya-jin!
147. Hurry with the training Saiya-jin! The room of spirit and time.
148. The heaven splitting violent light beam! Piccolo vs Cyborg number 17.
149. I have been waiting for this day! The prelude to Cell's perfection.
150. The counterattack with his life wasn't enough! Piccolo has come to an end!
151. The only one remaining hope.. The silent warrior number 16 gets up!
152. He swallowed number 17.. The transformed Cell is a super gourmet.
153. I'll pound you tomorrow! Goku's challenge.
154. I'll settle everything! The new Vegeta father and son take off.
155. Immediately going all out! Vegeta's brilliant super power.
156. Cell kneel! I'm Super Vegeta!
157. The dangerous pride! The challenge to the complete Cell!
158. I can't make up my mind! Kuririn's maneuvering to destroy number 18!!!
159. A shock to the entire universe! Cell's evolution into completeness.
160. Infinite attack power! A god of destruction called Cell is born.
161. Super Vegiita in danger! The completely perfect terror draws near!
162. Go beyond the limit of Super Saiya-jin! Trunks calls on a storm.
163. Save your father! Trunks' anger that scorches the heavens.
164. The future of despair! The man who lived through the hell, Trunks.
165. A weakness in Super Trunks! Cell's very shocking statement.
166. Myth of the New World Top Martial Arts Competition.
167. Viewer rating 100%! Live coverage of the deadly Cell game.
168. Super Power of Goku and Gohan. Incress you power to the Max.
169. Goku's composure!? Just rest and wait for the Cell game.
170. The relaxation of the fighters...The girl the lie and Gohan's decision.
171. The hidden strength! When Gohan was a baby.
172. Find the Kamisama! Goku, the great instantaneous teleportation.
173. Dende Brings the Dragon Ball's back to Life.
174. Wisely snatching the Dragon Balls, Mr. Satan shows his stuff.
175. Prelude to the Final Battle! Mr. Satan is going to Fight First...
176. Here come's Satan's Army! Mr. Satan Gets Beat in one hit...
177. Goku and Cell Square Off together...
178. Direct Hit on Earth! Cell's Kamehameha.
179. Lose or Die. Goku's Secret Turnabout Plans.
180. The End of the Desperate Struggle. Goku's Surrender!!!
181. Someone Who Will Succeed the Strongest! His name is Gohan.
182. Release the Sleeping Power Within!
183. Small Wonders!!! Cell's Juniors Attack.
184. The Tradgity of Number 16. Super Gohan's Anger Explodes.
185. Real Power Blowup. Exploding Cell Junior's.
186. Gohan Staggers Cell with 2 Punches.
187. Cell's Perfect Body Breaks Down.
188. Bye Bye Everyone! Goku's last Teleportation.
189. A Nightmare is Reborn. . . The Absolute Terror.
190. From Father To Son. Goku's Spirit Passed Down.
191. The Fight is over. Thank you ? Son Goku!!!
192. I'll Be up there. Farewell with a Smile.
193. Gohan tells Chichi about Goku's death. Trunks Leaving for the Future!!
194. I'll protect the Future!!! Trunks eradicates No. 17, No. 18 and Cell.
195. The Strongest in Hade's. Goku confronts the Ginyu Force, Frieza, King Cold and Cell.
196. An Assembly of fighters from all Era's...Goku enters Dai-Kaio's tournament.
197. Hold that breath! The Goku Hurricane.
198. Goku makes it to the final round. Goku VS. Pai ku han.
199. Goku vs. Piku-han, the battle continues. What, disqualification?
200. Seven Year's since that Event!! From now on I'm a High School Student.
201. The Debut of the Champion and Lover of Justice "The Great Saiya-man".
202. Gohan's Mixed up First Date.
203. Gohan you must move quick! Save Videl...
204. A Great Theft! And the Culprit is The Great Saiya-man.
205. Goku's Resurrected as Well!! He's coming to the Tenka-Ichi Budokai.
206. Gohan is Surprised Too. Goten's Explosive Power.
207. AHH! I Flew!! Videl Learn's to fly.
208. Welcome Back Goku! The Whole Z Team is Gathered.
209. Your in Danger Great Saiya-man!...Guard your-self against Camera Attacks.
210. Not Bad Little Trunks.
211. It's My Turn!! Goten's Nervous First Fight.
212. Pleasure a Hundred Times Over! The New Junior Champion has Been Determined!
213. What Will you do Mr. Satan?? The Greatest Crisis in History!!
214. An Opponent is Drawn! Let's start the first Match Without Delay!
215. What's Wrong Piccolo? The Impossible non Fight...
216.Disgusting and Immortal!! The Mystery of Supopo Bitchi.
217. No Mercy for Videl. Will the Anger Bring Super Gohan?
218. Unmasked! ! ! The Great Saiya-man is Son Gohan.
219. A Sneaky plan! Gohan's power gets stolen.
220. The Appearance of Darkness! ! The Evil Magician Babi Dee...
221. A Trap in Waiting. A Challenge from the Darkside.
222. Don't Mess with me. Vegeta's first Attack is filled with Anger.
223. Goku At full power. Take that Yaken!!!
224. A Huge Mistake! ! ! Satan VS. The 3 Super Warriors!?
225. The Kids are Strong! A tough fight for Number 18!
226. The Debut of the King of Evil. It's your turn Gohan!!
227. The Heart of Evil Found. Doubler's good idea.
228. The Rebirth of Vegeta, Prince of Destruction! Confusion enters The Ring...
229. The Fated Battle! Son Goku VS. Vegeta...
230. Wait for us Babi Dee! We won't let you continue your Evil.
231. The Seal is Broken... The Ultimate Evil Majin Buu Appears... 2
32. I won't let you Be Reborn! The Kamehame-Ha to change fate!
233. A Straight Path to Destruction!? Kaiou in Despair.
234. The Terrifying Majin Buu! It's feared That Gohan is in the Brink of Death!!!
235. I'm going to Eat You! The Starving Majin's Psychic Powers...
236. A Warrior's Resolve!! Im going to Destroy Majin Buu myself.
237. For The Sake of my Loved one's. . . Vegeta Falls!!!
238. The Nightmare continues! Majin Buu is still Alive.
239. Videl's Struggle, Searching for the Dragon Ball's.
240. A Big Hope. The Kids New Ultimate Attack!!!
241. Goten and Trunks! The Whole World's Ordered to find them...
242. Gohans Resurrection. Is that Kai-Oo-Shins Secret Weapon
243. I Pulled It Out! The Legendary Zed Sword...
244. He's After the Western Capitol! ! ! Stop Majin Buu.
245. Oh! What a Surprise!! The Super Saiyan 3
246. Bye Bye Babi Dee! ! ! Majin Buu Rebels...
247. Incredible Ugly!? The Special Transformation Training.
248. Bye Bye Everyone. Goku Goes back to the After Life.
249. Where's Gohan?? The Harsh Training on Kai-Oo-Shin's Planet.
250. This can't be true! The Zeda Sword get's Broken...
251. The Birth of Super Fusion, The Name is Gotenks
252. The Last Weapon Mobilized. Satan will save the Earth.
253. I've given up Killing! Majin Buu's Boy Scout Pledge!!!
254. Run Away Satan! The Appearance of the evil Majin Buu!!!
255. Who Will Win?! A Battle Between Good and Evil Buu's.
256. The Impatient Destruction! The Extinction of Humanity...
257. The Training was a Success! Your Finished now Majin Buu!
258. I'm Really going to fight this time! Super Gotenks goes all out...
259. I did it! The Ghosts succeeded in defeating Majin Buu.
260. Inter Dimensional escape! Super Gotenks 3?
261. Have we gone too Far? ? ? ? Buu Buu Volleyball...
262. Even Greater, The Remade Gohan goes To Earth...
263. He's over Welming Buu. Gohans Miraculous Power.
264. Gohan can't be Beat! Buu self Destructs
265. Buu commits a Foul! Gotenk's is absorbed!?
266. Come Back Goku! Save the Universe.
267. One more Miracle. The Super Fusion With Gohan...
268. Vegeta's Pride and Goku's Anger!!! The Birth of the Invincible Hero
269. The Ultimate Power. Vegetto the Lethal Warrior!
270. The Dimension is Shattered! Is Buu out of control?!
271. Buu's favorite Technique!! Become Candy!!
272. Buu Fighting SSJ3 candy drop, and losing. Vegetto get's Absorbed.
273. No more fusion, Buu's Digestive system attacks.
274. Is That you Gohan? Buu's Victim's Attack!
275. Buu's inner body experience, The Great escape...
276. Where's the Exit!!!? Escape from the failing Buu!!
277. Good Bye Earth!!! Buu fall's into evil...
278. Buu get over here! Finish it off in Kaio-Shin-Ka!!!
279. Seize the future! The Big Battle over the universe.
280. Vegeta's Hat's off. Goku, You are #1.
281. Hold on Vegeta! A minute fight at the risk of life.
282. Don't tease Satan!! The original Majin Buu returns!!!
283. Vegeta's secret plan!! Porunga's two wishes!
284. Our last hope! A Really Huge Genki-Dama.
285. Big Appreciation! It's here, Everyone's Energy Ball...
286. Goku is the Strongest after all!!! Majin Buu is Destroyed...
287. Peace is Restored! Friend of Justice, Majin Buu!?
288. You're late, Goku! Everyone's Partying!
289. Granpa Goku! I'm Pan!!!
290. I'm Uubu. Now 10 years old, Formerly Majin Buu..
291. To Become Stronger! Goku's Dream is to Surpass it!!

by John N.